Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Inspiration Strikes At The Movies...

Last night Brian and I went to see "Julie & Julia", the new Meryl Streep/Amy Adams movie and absolutely loved it...the only problem was that we went to a 10 pm showing and when the movie let out at 12:15 am, we were both hungry (all that food!) and wanted to rush home and start cooking something, anything! Brian also thought a glass of wine would be nice (french cooking and wine on you think we're maybe a little prone to the power of suggestion?), but alas, we had no wine in the house and I thought cooking up a large meal at that time of the night bordered a little on crazy, so we let the dogs out and then went to bed...

This morning, however, I am still itching to get into the kitchen and so I am heading off to Chapters (apologies to die hard fans of the small, local bookstore, we have no such beast in my end of town) to scope out "Mastering the Art of French Cooking"...I don't think I'll go as crazy as Julie Powell did and try to cook every single recipe in the book in a year (I still have four very picky eaters to feed here), but who knows?

So, if you haven't seen the movie, I highly recommend's one of the few movies I've seen where I want to go back and see it a second time...come to think of it, that was last summer when I went to see "Mamma Mia" (another Streep movie) with my sister ...maybe there's a reason that woman has won so many Oscars, hmm?

Trust me, go see'll either want to move to Paris, cook up a storm, drink a glass of wine, eat or all of the above...

Bon Appétit!


  1. I guess Brian really loves you to go see that movie with you.

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing this one! Jeff will watch it with me when it comes out on video. He has an aversion to the theatre. The three "p's" (price, people and the fact that you can't pause it when you have to go pee).

    With regards to your picky eaters, I have a suggestion! After raising 4 distinctly NOT picky eaters (favorite foods including sushi, mussels, raw oysters, Frank's Hot Sauce and Stinging Nettles), I have developed a few tricks.
    Kids will always turn up their nose the first time they see a food. Never introduce more than one at any meal. They must ALWAYS try one bite of the food. If they don't like it, that's fine, but I do NOT expect to hear about it. I expect them to be polite, and eat the rest of their food without comments about "ickiness", "disgustingness" etc. etc. ad nauseum.
    I find if, over a period of several months of this, you present the food again and again, it usually takes about 5-8 exposures. At that point, they eat it all without my saying anything and it goes on the list of foods they eat. As they get older, they are starting to rely on their palettes instead of just assuming they don't like it from the looks. They try new things now without prompting from me (for the most part).
    It's time consuming and can be a bit of a struggle. No doubt about it. But it worked for mine... YMMV : ).
