Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Rant...

When it comes to this blog, I have generally kept the topics fairly light and easy going...talking about the kids, my recent obsession with Julia Child, discussing thirty years of living with diabetes...I have kept my opinions on certain topics (read: politics) to myself, not wanting to offend anyone with what I might happen to say here...

Well today, I have reached my breaking point and I don't flipping care if I offend anyone...

Like most people I know, I am on Facebook. A social network where I routinely read the political leanings of friends (most of whom I haven't seen in years, but who I still am interested in knowing and in hearing about their lives)...

For the past year or so, I have been very aware that my views are not shared by very many people who are listed as my "friends"...most of them (not all, but a lot of them) appear to be very left leaning when it comes to anything having to do with politics...

The following revelation will no doubt shock a few people who knew me years ago, and be a no-brainer for those who know me now...

I am a Conservative. Big f'in' C.

And frankly, I'm sick and tired of listening to the garbage that spews forth from the mouths of people who are on the left.

Our Prime Minister did a very cool thing on Saturday (October 3, 2009) and I have heard more shit about Stephen Harper playing the piano than even I thought possible. Are you jealous that you can't do it? Or are you so blinded by hatred for someone who hasn't done a thing to deserve the absolute venom spewed at him that you can't just say, hey, good one?

People on the left accuse people like me of being small minded, mean spirited, homophobic, anti-women, name it, I'm it...because I happen to be a social and fiscal Conservative. Oh, I'm probably also against gun control and likely don't like apple pie or hummus...

Bullshit. All of it.

What I am, is fed up with this attitude that I am not entitled to hold the opinions I do because they disagree with yours. What I am, is fed up with a media that falls all over itself if Barack Obama smiles at a small child, continues to vilify George Bush, and yet somehow manages to fail to grasp the fact that Obama has left many of Bush's policies intact. (See the video below if you don't believe me)

I am fed up with the disrespect given to Canada's leader, because even if you didn't vote for Stephen Harper or his party, even if you can't stand the fact that the Conservatives are in power, you should damn well have respect for the fact that the man is leading your country.

And mostly, I am sick and tired of rude, obnoxious behaviour masquerading as political comment.

To quote Bon Jovi..."Have a nice day."


  1. Well Barbara... I am a bit confused as to where you stand on things.

    Could you publish a post that makes things clear?

    Ha ha.

    You crack me up. Especially when you are sick 'n tired!!

    Have a great day!

  2. I love you Barbara. I hope someday to woo you with a new political party that embraces all your conservative beliefs, but with a progressive outlook free of corporate control.

    Woo! Woo! Woo!

    Hang in there.
