It's the beginning of August. The last time I posted here was in February. I stopped writing because I figured, what's the point? No one is that interested in my ramblings...
Truth be told, it had nothing to do with had to do with the fact that I sat down in prayer one day, asked what (other than being a wife and mother) I should be doing with my time/talents/life and received an answer I didn't want to hear...
"You should be writing," is what came to me.
Which of course meant that that was the last thing I would do.
My husband writes. I have several friends who write. Me? I like colour, I told God. I want to draw and paint.
"No reason you can't do both," I was gently reminded.
No, no, no, I replied. I can't do that. That would be too simple. How 'bout I just run away from the whole idea for a time and I'll get back to you on this whole writing thing?
Problem is, no matter how far (or fast) I run, I can never really escape...and eventually, I come back to Him, head hanging down, asking for forgiveness (which is always given) and help in doing what He suggested in the first place...
It would be much easier if I just accepted His word in the first place, no?
In the meantime, we've had to put our Murphy down (she would have been 14 next month), been to one funeral, gone to Vegas (just us! No kids! First time we've been away/alone together for that length of time since our honeymoon-nearly 13 years ago), Brian's working on his book (his tv show - and the Sun News Network - launched in April), the kids are trying to ignore the fact that school starts in four short weeks and I've missed too many karate classes (what with kids home for the summer and the continued re-injuring of my right deltoid-something-or-other)...
It's life, ya know?